Monday, February 21, 2011

Returning Where We Left Off . . . . . . .

Lots of progress again at the library last week and today.  The last picture in the previous blog showed red tiles being placed on the roof, but below, the tiling is almost done, and Tyvek, which is a special air barrier paper, was placed on the exterior walls in preparation for the mason to build the concrete block walls next week.  Inside, the electrical work is nearly done so that installation of the heating and air conditioning ducts can be installed in the attic.  AND, not only did we take delivery on the last of the plywood sheets for the bookcases, but also volunteers began the process of building those bookcases by trying out the panel saw.  The cuts were perfect, so bookcase foreman Jim Friestad set up a schedule of work on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday mornings.  Let him know if you'd like to help.

The outer shell has been wrapped in Tyvek air barrier paper, and the roof tiling is almost done.  Windows and doors will arrive soon, masonry begins soon, too.

Heater ducts have been delivered and are being emplaced in the attic.
Upon arrival this morning, we found this truck in our driveway delivering more roofing tiles.
Here Jim Friestad supervises Martin and Fred carrying beautiful 1" thick  plywood for storage in the lath house.

Over at the glass house, here's volunteer Stan Zalatel making the first cut in plywood for the first bookcase.  Come on down and help!  Call Jim to get on his list.

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