Monday, May 16, 2011

The Storm after the Lull

Although the bookcase building has been going right on schedule, building construction progress slowed over the past couple weeks because of scheduling, miscommunications, and inspections, but here we go again.  The dry wallers got back to work with some cool tools that allow just one person to mud and tape all the joints in just one day.  Very impressive!!

Jim caught Art in the act of sanding one of the panels that will support the computer bench.

About 300 bookshelves, each neatly wrapped in butcher paper, are piled up here waiting to be unwrapped, have a strip of red oak molding glued to one edge, rewrapped, and stored back in this room until the book cases are assembled. 

George is using a remarkable tool that applies mud and tape simultaneously to the cracks between the sheet rock panels.  Before he could start, the dry walling had to be inspected to see that the nail spacing accords with City building code.

Shortly after mudding and taping, George smooths the tape and removes excess mud with a wide blade putty knife.  He has another tool to cover the nails.  This fellow really knows what he's doing and takes great pride in his work.

1 comment:

  1. The woodworking is in Art's genes:).His little sister, Aileen
