Sunday, January 23, 2011

Boxed In

During the past week, the boys boxed in the addition to the Sahyun Library with oriented strand board (OSB), worked on the roof in preparation for hot mopping tar on it, and set the posts for the main entry way. 

Carlos has cut a sheet of OSB to fit around a window.

Covering the walls with sheets of OSB gives the addition a boxy feeling, but also makes it seem  large enough to be a roller skating rink.

These posts will hold up an awning over what will be the main entrance.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

WE Have Rafter Tails and the Beginnings of a Roof!

Great progress in the wake of December's rains!   The roof trusses have been tied together and sheets of roofing plywood have been lain.

Roofing sheets precede the tar and tiles

Our library addition is beginning to take shape and look like a real building.

View from across Castillo Street

And we have rafter tails!   Don't they add to the character of the rising building?

Contractor Tony and his rafter tails.
The next step will be addition of the roofing tar and then the roofing tiles.  We're moving right along.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Recent Rains Don't Slow Addition Library Construction

In spite of the recent inclement weather, one of the rainiest Decembers in Santa Barbara history, few days were lost in construction of the addition to the Sahyun Library.  Tony, Bruce, and Carlos focused on tying the roof trusses together and to the wall framing, and they placed rafters across the front of the building.  All this work gives the structure a more closed in feeling and continues on schedule to completion.

View from the street down the length of the new addition.  This area will contain the stacks.

View from the north corner of the addition toward the front and the old wing where the new entrance will be.

View of the street end of the addition toward the new librarian's room and the old wing.  All those rafters were added between Christmas and New Years in spite of the rain.